works cited (plaintext):
1 I am borrowing this term from Heather Warren-Crow’s “Girlhood and the Plastic Image”, a book that influenced and inspired me greatly.
2 Galbraith , Patrick W. (2009): Moe. Exploring Virtual Potential in Post-Millenial Japan. Retrieved from: http://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/articles/2009/Galbraith.html.
3 Felker-Martin, Gretchen (2018): Made from the Red Soil: Fantasies of Misery in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Retrieved https://vrvblog.co/felker-martin/3178/made-from-the-red-soil-fantasies-of-misery-in-neon-genesis-evangelion/.
4 Napier, Susan J. (2002): When the Machines Stop: Fantasy, Reality, and Terminal Identity in “Neon GenesisEvangelion” and “Serial Experiments Lain”. In: Science Fiction Studies Vol. 29 / 2002, No. 3, p. 432. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4241108 .
5 Huyghe, Pierre: Interview. In: Van Abbemuseum (Publ.):
No ghost just a Shell, Köln: König. p. 16.
6 Nobel, Philip (2003): Sign of the Times. ArtForum International v. 41 no. 5, p. 106.
7 Warren-Crow, Heather (2014): Girlhood and the Plastic Image. Dartmouth College Press. p.128.
8 Wollen, Audrey (2015): BEWARE MALE ARTISTS MAKING WORK ABOUT EMPTYNESS. Retrieved from:
https://www.instagram.com/p/830V1EszbT/ .