helen stefanie ist comic*künstler*in und verortet sich in und zwischen den themenfeldern comic, gestaltung, digitale visualitäten und theorie.
/ helen stefanie is a comic artist and moves between the fields of comics, digital imagery, design, and theory.
auftragsanfragen und anfragen für gesprächsmoderation gerne per email!
open for freelance work and panel moderation, feel free to reach out via e-mail!
admin of the ~(no longer) anonymous autobio comic tumblr-account-turned-newsletter~ vaguesteph.
all my zines are available to download for free/ PWYC on my itch.io store!
✨ long-form graphic novel project ✨
comics im internet / online comics
- abstrakter comic
/ abstract comic - journey through :)
/ reise zum :) - Tegelmedia Testbericht: "Love Live School Idol Festival"
/ Playing "Love Live: School Idol Festival"
hefte / zines
- sumpf_träumer*in_3000
/ bog_dreamer*3000 - my 5 favourite fake girls!!!
/ meine 5 liebsten "fake girls"!!! - die sehnsucht der spinne
/ the spider's longing - perlenkette
/ pearl necklace